Sat 22 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
•*¨¨*• SATISFACTION •*¨¨*•IS•*¨¨*•. MY *¨¨* BEST. •*¨¨*• QUALITY! •*¨¨*• REDHEAD! - 23
(Salem, salem incall ONLY)
Sun 26 Jan
🧿🧿🧿🧿971-720-6291💚b2b🌟hungry for sex🌺young💋💞 suck your cock🈲✅nuru 69🈲✅erotic lick eat🈲✅french kiss cim❌⭕️new girls❌⭕️
(848 Commercial St SE Salem, OR)
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
Portland's premier Girlfreind for gentlemen with refined taste ONLY - 30
(Northwest Portland, NW Portland, Portland, Salem)
In Woodburn Last Day♥ ~ What are you waiting for ♥ ~ Let Me Spoil You♥ ~ ♥ Woodburn - 19
(Salem, woodburn)
💦L.aC.tAt.InG💦💋Middle Eastern👌Out/InCALL ✋TNA ReViEwS👍Ask aBoUt mY 60$ SpeCiALs✋①00%ŔƐΛĿ EXØTiC - 24
(Salem, SALEM/IN/OUTS/woodb/hubbard,staten,lanc,)
*** (N_E_W) ____O__U__ T__/ I___N__C__ A__L__L__S __*SPECIALS*___ A__L__L__ ____ N__I__ G__H__T **** - 23
(Salem, Salem and ALL surrounding cities)
🍒FUN ♥🍒MIXED Top SECRET !!!!★ RarE BeautY ★CLeaN & CUrvY★ SOFT N SWEET★ total KNOCKOUT♥ - 23
(Salem, incall/outcall salem)
♥99$ SpeCiaL °💋 🔥🔥🍭° C_Õ_M_P _£_€_T_€_£_Y❀ ♥💋 🔥🔥🍭💋 _§_Â_T_I_ §_F_Y_I_Ñ_G ❀ 💋 °•♥- 🔥🔥🔥.. real pics - 25
(Salem, salem incall/ outcalls everywhere)
EXTREMELY BUSY AGENCY - Hiring Companions and Escorts - Earn 7,000k to 10,000k/Week
(Eugene, Portland, Salem)
Sat 11 Jan
Make Tonight A Night You Will Never Forget Ill Do Things She Wont @ 2Days Only!!!!!! - 26
(Salem, salem and surrounding areas)
Your 5★ EBONY DIVA♥♥ Book Now♥♥Allow me to Pamper You♥♥Sweet and SEXY - 24
(Salem, Incall SALEM and OUTCALLs Surrounding)
PL E A S U R E __is__T H E__O B J E C T i V E - S A T i S F A C T i O N__is__K E Y! - 22
(Salem, salem,Corsvallis and surrounding areas)
______Tall, Model Type, Busty, Blonde, Beautiful ___Amazing Reviews, First Class Service_______ - 30
(Portland, Portland, Beaverton, Vancouver)
~Morgan~ Sit Back, Relax And Let Me Do All The Work! Enjoy!! - 36
(Salem, Salem & surrounding areas)
~* LaSt ~* NigHt *~ iN *~ SaleM *~ DonT ~* mIss *~ Out *~ oN *~ tHe *~ BesT !!!! - 21
(Salem, Salem,Portland Incall Outcall all Over)
(( *ExTrEmElY * )) *HOTT* (( *KiLLeR BoDy!* )) (( *REAL PICS* )) (( *UPSCALE & DiSCREET* )) - 21
(Portland, Salem, SALEM, PORTLAND)
Urgent: Webcam models needed Today! Work from home.
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, Home)
Fri 10 Jan
*** SWeeT & SeXy Reviewed Lovely ****irish playmate :-)Redhair - 21
(Salem, albany and other areas out or in)
Outcall SpeCiaLs♥ ♥♥ S.e.X.y NaTuRe ♥♥♥ N.a.U.g.H.t.Y ChOiCe ♥♥♥ - 23
(Salem, outcall only salem keizer corvallis surr)
Pick this Exotic Hottie for a Very Different Experience! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In your arms ;))
~ PerFecT *~EroTiC *~EbOnY~* LoVer ~* aWaKe~*EaRLy ~*BiRd ~*SpEcIaL ~*NoW ~* - 21
(Salem, Salem,Incall Outcall all Over)
•-:¦:-•HoT ASIAN MIXED•-:¦:-• AMAZiNG SKiLLS•-:¦:-• VeRY ADDiCTiVE •-:¦:-• BeSt InToWn•-:¦:-• - 20
(Salem, salem all over)
👄💋💖💞.... It's 🔥 OUT There.... So Come INSIDE and ❄️ Down ..... - 41
(Medford, Medford Metro IN or OUT CALL)
24 / 7 ▀▄ ❤ ❤HolLiDaY ❤ 100$ SpEciaLS❤ »-★-»•✿• ❤❤ JeSSiE▄▀▄▀✿• - 21
✖AsK BoUt mY 60$ 💎 TNA REVIEWS 💎 👐2GiRl SpEcIaLs👌 👑ALIYAH👑 AfGhAN nD iRiSh MiXx 💋CALL NOW!!!💎 - 24
(Salem, SALEM/IN/OUTS/woodb/hubbard,staten,lanc,)
Thu 09 Jan
💋💎💋Sexy 💋💎💋Sweet 💋💎💋Petite 💋💎💋 Sensual Playmate💋💎💋 Available Now ☎ - 29
(Portland, Your Place/Outcalls)
((Now Visting)) Carribean Goddes Hot an Ready To Play! !!38DDsKiller Frame! Taste My Island ❤•°❤ - 22
(Salem, Salem in call/out call)
NEW BLONDE ^^^ *°♥°__ O_N _E __ i_N __ A__ M_i_L_ L_i_O_N _°♥* ^^^ JuSt ViSiTiNg - 22
(Salem, in and out)
INCALLS!💋💋💋gOoD mOrNiNg SpEcIaLs💋💋💋 503-209-7794 💕TAYLOR BOO!!! Call NOW!!! 😮😗😇 - 26
New Pics 💋💋 ♥ ♥♥ S.e.X.y. C.r.e.o.l.e M.i.x ♥♥♥ N.a.U.g.H.t.Y S.e.d.u.c.t.r.e.s.s ♥♥♥ - 26
(Salem, Salem incall/outcalls)
✖AsK BoUt mY 60$ 💎 TNA ReViEwS💎 👐FORIEGN👌 👑ALIYAH👑RedHead AfGhAN nD iRiSh 💎CALL NOW - 24
(Salem, SALEM/IN/OUTS/woodb/hubbard,staten,lanc,)
Wed 08 Jan
(¯`'+ **sexy ** + '´¯) (¯`'+ AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL '´¯) (¯`.¸+ A DREAM COME TRUE+ '´¯) - 24
💕♥ Ultimate in Luxury 💋 TEASER & PLEASER 💋 Pure BLISS! 💕♥ Visiting Salem - May 30 & 31 st - 42
(Salem, Salem - SE)
!!!Nikki Hottest on backpage!!*** Gorgeous Brunette, Face & Body** - 22
(Salem, market st salem in/out)
SDUCT!VE__ *!*V!P*!*__ *!* PlAYMATE *!!*__ *!* BOMBSHLL !! GRAT RATS *!*__*!*AMAZ!NG SK!LLS!! - 20
(Salem, Salem incalls-and ouTcalls --24/7)
SEXY BLONDE PLAMATE: Incall Specials Now!!! Victoria - 27
(N Salem and surrounding areas IN/OUT CAL)
♥ \♥ \ ♥ Juicy Latina \ ♥ \ ♥Your Blondie Girl \ ♥ \♥ \♥ 2 Red Roses Specials Salem - 19
(Salem, Salem Market St)
Make $5000 per week with the World Leader in Adult, VIVID Entertianment ◄ ◄ ◄
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, Work From Home)
twO High End Providers At The Going Price Of One!! CALL & Secure Your Time Now!! - 21
(Salem, outcalls to you)