Mon 06 Jan
~ Fem Dom Seeking Real Time 24/7 Financially Secure Slave For FLR/Marriage ~ - 39
(Oregon Coast, Portland, Portland ,Oregon Southwest Washington, Salem)
😘💙💜💗 I'm The Sweetest Pot Of Honey! 🍯 Classy Petite RED HEAD 🚨Minutes Away!🚨 😘💙💜💗 - 23 - - 23
(Corvallis, Eugene, Salem)
A True Passionate Ebony Goddess. Seeks Longterm SD/SB relationship. - 22
(Corvallis, Medford, Portland, PDX & Surrounding areas.)
Discreet Relationship Wanted - Married is OK - 28
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
PASSIONATE SESSIONS With GORGEOUS BLONDE! 3 In One Sessions Offering A UNIQUE Twist! **Real Photos** - 47
(NE Vancouver, Portland, Salem, Vancouver)
•-:¦:-•* §w€€† A§ H€Av€n * ★ * Bu† NaUgH†Y A§ H€LL *•-:¦: ★★★EARLY BiRD SpEcIaLs★★★ - 28
(Portland, Pdx, Gresham, surrounding areas)
* * ★ YOUR *BRUNETTE* ADDiCTiON ★ ***(( 36DD ))*** ★ KiLLER CURVES ★ *** - 23
(Salem, North Salem InCall OutCall Also)
°•★•° So freaky ill make u melt°•★•° ((₩€ST INDIES n ¥mpho )) °•★•° amazing specials °•★•° - 23
(Salem, incall/outcall)
SPECIAL Discretion in Salem. (Visiting SPECIAL TUESDAY night.) - 39
(Salem, and Albany and outcall all around.)
(*)(*) *** SexyEbonyTreat *** ♥ New To Town ♥ Come play with me (*)(*) - 22
(Salem, Salem (in/outcall))
Thurs MORNING RIDES; Leaving @ Noon!! ஜ Vişiтiηg ƒяoм Poятlaηđ ஜ 30+ TNA Reviews!! $lOOHH Special! - 22
(Salem, NE Salem / Portland Rd)
~ Special~Happy Hour Sexy -:- Xotic -:- Great Special Rates ...... Lets Play Around ..... ~Special~ - 24
(Salem, ncalls)
! ~ * ! ~ * ! ~ * ! ~ * ! Super Stunning Blonde Playmate * * VISITING SALEM ! ~ * ! ~ * ! ~ * ! ~ - 21
(Incalls Only- Salem)
°•★•°SUP€R FR€AK¥°•★•°R0UND B00T¥*°•★•°TALL PETITE°•★•°( AMAZ!NG SK!LLS ) - 24
(Salem, Salem Incall)
💋💋💋💋TAYLOR Is here and AVAILABLE for your entertainment !!! 😍😍👄 - 26
(Salem, Salem And nearby areas)
Sun 05 Jan
💎💜💎Butter pecan Puerto Rican! Classy incall.In salem for just this weekend!(360)972-8796💎💜💎 - 24
(Salem, Classy incall in Salem.)
★ ☆New HOT N SEXY MIXED bombshell WAITING FOR U ☆ ☆ BeSt RaTeS WAiTiNG NoW!!! - 27
(Salem, Incall /Outcall)
💝💝💜 New Arrived 💜💝💜 REAL 1OO% Pic 💝💝💜 Incall Only 503-850-2545 💝💝💜 Pertty Asian 💝💝💜` - 21
(Corvallis, Eugene, Oregon Coast, Portland, Portland Incall Only)
$🍦👑 Mⓤⓢt See 👀 Mⓤⓢt Have 👌 MⓤⓢT Do ❗βye βye το🚫FAKES ✔ IM the 💣REAL deaL 💋TNA REVIEWED - 24
(Salem, Salem INCALL)
INCALL 125 SPECIALS NOW!! Two Girls or Just One For Fun!!! - 28
(In/Out Call N.Salem & Surrounding Areas)
♥ KaMiLLe AmOrA!! ]] {SCORE PORNSTAR} [[ KaMiLLe AmOrA!! ]] ((LeAviNg SoOn)) { NaTuRaL 36-ii's ♥ - 25
(Salem, salem surrounding areas)
☆ Good Morning Gentlemen ☆ && New Hot Pics ☆ ⇨CLiCk HERE⇦ - 20
(Portland, pdx airport Specials Call Me)
Here is a list of every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Find out what they do & don't do
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Medford, Oregon Coast, Roseburg, Salem)
I'm back in town! Blonde Blue eyed Exotic Hottie ;-) Can come 2 u now! (Outcalls!.! ) - 21
(Portland, Outcall Outcall Outcall ;-))
NEW_♥o°* ____ Y_O_U_R ____ #_1_N_E_W ___ C_H_O_I_C_E ___ 4____ T_O_D_A_Y___ ♥o°* - - 19
(Salem, Salem surrounding areas)
(in/outcall specials) --♥-- JÂW CLNCH¡NG -♥- $ÃTÏ$FACTÎØÑ --bx29;-- (Avail. SOON!) - 20
(Salem, My place or yours exit 256! <3)
for gentlemen that require quality companionship treat yourself don't cheat yourself(CALL ONLY) - 22
(outcall only, Salem)
Let my hands and mouth spoil you in Salem! BOOKED Till Mon! Pre-booking Mon 4-9p Tue-Thur 9a-7p - 37
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, Salem Incalls No Outcalls)
***Classy & Sassy Irish Lady :) Late Night fun ALL in 1!!!! Natural Red Hair *** - 21
(salam and surrounding areas)
* °♥°* _H_ A _R_D__ _2__ __R_E_ S_i_S_T_ °♥ * AMAZING $80 SPECIAL - 23
(Salem, NE SALEM, MY BED :))
❤ FuN ❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀❤ BEaUtIFuL ❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀❤ WiLd ❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ❤ ExoTic ❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ❤ BruNeTTe ❤ ▀▀ - 21
BOYS Play With TOYS - > MEN Play With ME!! _ (( INCALL SPECIAL )) Well-Reviewed - 26
*•-:¦:-•* brunette cutie *•-:¦:-• * with a big booty *•-:¦:-•** specials!! *•-:¦:-•* - 22
(Portland, pdx & surrounding areas)
☆ *CuM SeE WhAt YoU'Ve BeEn MiSsiNg OuT On * A SuPeR WeT &TaStY; BLoNdE NyMpH* ☆ - 23
((SALEM) Market Incall)
Cuteness Is nice, however a TRUE woman of grace is exceptional! Mouth dropping Gorgeousness! - 48
(Aurora ::Woodburn Incall, Bend, Salem)
beautiful busty buxom brunette beauty with big boobs and a round booty 60$ special - 22
(Salem, my place)